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Welcome to the heavygoodz story page,as of yet our story is short but growing and evolving everyday. We are an entertainment company that is family run and managed so we can never lose sight of our values and goals, We specializes in urban, reggea and r&b events and focus on bringing the urban music and culture to areas that dont have an oppurtunity to experience it on a regular basis. We here at HGZ hope to create communities of like minded people who enjoy a coming together of good vibes and  good music for good people. For The crowd that prefer more lady SAW to lady GAGA no matter your race, age or gender come and enjoy a safe place to be yourself.

Our mission here at HGZ is to show urban music in a positive light and show how it can build community not destroy it so help us on our mission and come along to our next event  and stand united with us.



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