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a) These Terms and conditions (T&Cs) incorporate, and should be read together with, any Vendor’s and/or Agent’s T&Cs or regulations, which you can obtain from the point of purchase from the Official Agent

b) Artists and billed attractions may be subject to change

c) No trading  allowed within the venue without HEAVYGOODZ prior consent.

d) Goods using unauthorised event logos and unauthorised professional recording equipment must be surrendered to staff.

e) Do not buy tickets or goods from unlawful street traders/touts. They are invalid.

f) You give your express consent to your actual/ simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any audio or visual recording to be used in any media for any purpose at any time. This includes filming by the police or security staff which may be carried out for the security of customers and/or the prevention of crime.




a) Refunds are only considered on major cancellation, substantial alteration or by special exception determined by Managment. Before any refunds are considered, the request will be reviewed and determined and only be accepted if deemed necessary.

b) Refunds should be obtained from the point of purchase, no later than 2 weeks after the event.

c) Only the face value of the ticket will be refunded.

d) Booking fees per ticket are non-refundable.



a) No unaccompanied under 18’s are allowed on site.

b) Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult (18 and over).




a) Tickets are non-transferable and only valid when purchased from official agents of HGZ.

b) Tickets/wristbands purchased from unauthorised sources will be rendered invalid and refused admission.

c) Tickets must be exchanged for a wristband on first entry.

d) Tickets must be valid, presented in full, with stubs and not tampered with (in the event of accidental damage, refer to point of purchase prior to event). Tickets remain the property of HGZ.ent.

e) HGZ will not issue duplicates for lost or stolen tickets or wristbands.  

f) Tickets cannot be used as part of any marketing, media or sales promotion, without the prior written consent of HGZ.

g) The ticket holder is responsible for their tickets until it is exchanged for a wristband and then responsible for their wristband for the duration of the event. 

h) All wristbands remain the property of HGZ until 1am the day after the event.



a) HGZ reserves the right to evict a customer without refund, and/or refuse admission. 

b) You may be body/bag searched at the entrances, on the site or when leaving.

c) Any item(s), reasonably considered for use as a weapon, which may cause danger, offence or disruption to any other person, must be surrendered to staff.

d) Any person carrying illegal items or carrying out illegal activity will be given to the Police and refused entry.

e) Anti-social behaviour may lead to eviction. Please act responsibly.


f) Throwing gas, aerosol or similar canisters/containers on to fires is extremely dangerous and will lead to eviction.

g) aggresive behaviour/language towards staff IS UNACCEPTABLE  and will result in immediate eviction, and possible refusal from future events. STAFF DECISION IS FINAL



HGZ is unable to accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses (including surrendered items) or injuries sustained at this event - other than caused as a result of our negligence



a) Banned from event - Gas canisters, disposable BBQ's, aerosols over 250ml, airhorns, fireworks, flares, glass, illegal substances, drugs, ‘legal highs’ – this includes Nitrous Oxide, laser equipment/pens, megaphones, nitrous oxide, sky or ‘chinese’ lanterns, sound systems, spray cans, tabards/high viz jackets.




c) NO Excessive amounts  of cigarettes Only bring enough for personal consumption in the smoking area only.

d) Anyone resisting the surrender of disallowed items or disregarding these conditions will face eviction.

e) Under 18’s are not permitted to bring alcohol or to purchase alcohol on site.

f) It is illegal for an over 18 to purchase alcohol on the behalf of under 18s.

g)Alchol must only be purchased on site any alchol brung onsite will be confiscated



a) Fires are not permitted anywhere on the event site.

b) The burning of plastics, bedding, tents, furniture etc is not permitted anywhere on site.

c) Smoking is not permitted in enclosed public spaces or buildings. This includes e cigs.

d) Excessive exposure to loud music may cause damage to your hearing.

e) Pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting/special effects may take place during some of the event and performances.

f) The use of Drones or similar equipment for any reason is prohibited on or near the event.



a) Please use the bins and recycling points provided on site.

b) No animals, other than registered guide or hearing dogs, are permitted on site



1. These Terms incorporate Heavygoodz  and  the respective venue  terms, conditions and regulations.

 2. Your purchase of this Ticket constitutes Your acceptance of these Terms.

 3. Tickets are personal revocable licences and shall at all times remain Our property and subject to the Terms.

 4. It is Your responsibility to check this Ticket prior to the Event, and contact Us immediately if there is a problem,  As mistakes may not be rectified on the day of the Event.

 5. Please contact Us in advance of the Event if You have any specific access requirements.

 6. You must retain this ticket at all times during the Event.

 7. It is not always possible to issue duplicate Tickets and standing Tickets cannot be replaced in any circumstances.

 8. Your Ticket may be invalidated if any part of it is removed, altered or defaced.

 9. We reserve the right, acting reasonably, to provide You with alternative seating at the Event of no less value to that (if any) specified on this Ticket.

 10. Where reasonably necessary, We reserve the right to make alterations to the published Event or programme. Our liability for the cancellation, rescheduling or material change to an Event is limited to the refund set out in condition 11 below.

 11. We will not refund or exchange this Ticket unless the Event is cancelled or re-scheduled or there is a material change to the Event (such that in Our reasonable opinion the Event is materially different to what a purchaser of the Ticket might reasonably have expected when purchasing the Ticket). The use of understudies shall not be a material change. Refunds are equal to the face value of the Ticket and should be obtained from the Agent from whom You purchased the Ticket, subject to their terms and conditions. All refunds shall be considered and a final decision will be made by heavygoodz company directors.

 13. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence and accommodation relating to the Event which have been arranged by You are at Your own risk.

 14. We will not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to Your personal belongings, other than caused as a result of Our negligence.

 15. You may not re-sell or transfer this Ticket if in Our reasonable opinion You are doing so in the course of business. We will consider that a Ticket has be re-sold or transferred in the course of business if it is sold for a profit (i.e. for higher than the face value of the Ticket plus the booking or handling fee). Any Ticket sold in the course of business will become voidable and We reserve the right to refuse admission to the holder of the Ticket or eject the holder from the Venue. Void tickets are non refundable

 16. If You have obtained this Ticket in breach of these Terms and/or if You breach any of these Terms then it shall be void, and all rights conferred on You or evidenced by such Ticket shall be void. If You seek to gain entry to an Event using a void Ticket then we reserve the right to eject You from the Event and You may be liable to legal action for trespass. Void tickets are non refundable

 17. We reserve the right to refuse You entry to and/or eject You (without refund) from the Event and/or Venue in reasonable circumstances including without limitation for health and safety, Anti social behaviour or licensing reasons; if You behave in a manner which has or is likely to affect the enjoyment of other persons at the Event; if You use threatening, abusive or insulting words or mannerisms; if in Our reasonable opinion You are acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if You fail, when required, to produce proof of identity or age; if You breach these Terms; or if Your Ticket is void. 

 18. We reserve the right to conduct security searches from time to time including searches upon exit of the event site and to refuse admission to You, or eject You, from the Event and/or Venue should You refuse to comply with such security searches.

 19. We reserve the right to ask you to surrender any item, which in Our reasonable opinion may cause danger or disruption to any other persons at the Event (including but not limited to) animals; laser pens; glass containers; items which may be regarded as weapons; or illegal substances. A full list of items not permitted are stated in the t&c's above.

 20. You must comply with any and all instructions given to You by Venue and/or Event staff and stewards.

 21. You shall not use equipment for recording or transmitting (by digital or any other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data inside any Venue or at any Event, and You shall not bring such equipment into any Venue or Event.

 22. You give Your express consent to Your actual or simulated likeness to be included for no fee within any film, photograph, audio and/or audiovisual recording to be exploited in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world. This includes filming by the police or security staff which may be carried out for the security of customers or the prevention of crime

 23. We may prosecute You if You cause damage to the Venue, the Venue infrastructure, or cause harm to any other person at the Event and/or Venue.

 24. You may only leave and re-enter the Venue during the Event at Our discretion and/or that of the Venue management. Otherwise, there will be no re-admission or pass outs of any kind.

 25. We reserve the right to allow audience members to stand in seated areas of the audience.

 26. WARNING: Excessive exposure to loud music may cause damage to your hearing. Please note that pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting or other special effects may take place during some performances.


Data Protection


At HEAVYGOODZ we treat the personal data that you share with us, with the utmost care and privacy.  We comply fully with The Data Protection Act 1998 and will only process your personal data in the normal and proper conduct of academic and business operations.

For more details, or questions please contact us

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